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Writer's pictureSabrina


All the political and international controversies aside- Turkey is something very special to me. I know that Turkey's heritage and culture is very close to the one of Azerbaijan. The two times I was in Turkey I felt a bit closer to my grandfather I've never had a chance to meet.

My grandfather was from Azerbaijan, had to fight in world war II for the Soviet Union and fled into Switzerland where he met my grandmother.

Unfortunately he never really recovered from the war and died young. Now, coming back to the main subject- Turkey- I felt an instant connection to this country and to the grandfather I've never met. The culture, the people, the language, the religion, the food and traditions, they felt all familiar, known to me. Even though I've never been to this country before- I felt connected with it, it felt familiar, not foreign. Strange, but good at the same time.

One of the next travels have to be to Azerbaijan, finding my lost family!

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